• Group courses Elementary group course
  • Ostrov classroom Ostrov classroom
  • Intensive language course in the UK Intensive language courses abroad
  • Elementary group course

    This is one of our elementary group courses that we run in our Ostrov classroom. There is a wide range of students but they all achieve their individual goals as a team. See the list of courses here.

    Project details

  • Ostrov classroom

    Our Ostrov classroom is easy to find thanks to our well-visible banners. It can be easily found on the crossing of the streets Na Příkopě and Sládkova in the basement of a semi-detached house. Just follow the arrows :-)

    Project details

  • Intensive language courses abroad

    Do you need to speak English fast? Is spoken English your problem? Do different accents make it hard for you to understand? Go abroad and learn English in the place of its origin. With US!

    Project details

Types of english we teach

Certificates and Maturita Preparation courses

Certificates and Maturita Preparation courses

We prepare our students for language certificates such as IELTS, TOEFL, FCE or CAE as well as Maturita exam.


Business English

Business English

We teach Business English focusing on wide range of topics such as company structure, management, marketing, finance etc. Individiual areas need to be considered separately.


Tourism and hospitality English

Tourism and hospitality English

Our teaching team has a lot of experience in the area of hospitality and tourism. We have been continuously training staff in many hotels in Karlovy Vary such as Dvořák hotel or Carlsbad Plaza. See more


Aviation English

Aviation English

We prepare pilots begginers for their ICAO tests using ICAO certified materials. Feel free to come and talk to us about your individual needs. See more


Recent client projects

Our Work

Our work ranges from Business English courses, Hospitality and tourism related courses, Maturita Preparation Course, English language Certification courses (such as IELTS, FCE, CAE) to very specific kinds of English such as Aviation English course. See the list of courses for your reference.

As Nelson Mandela once famously said: "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world"*

Education can't be taken away from you and in today's progressively developing world we can barely exist without knowledge of a widely spoken language. And what should be your first choice to start with other than the most widely spoken one - English. If fluency in English language is your next private or professional goal, you will be in the right hands with us. We offer courses led by qualified and proven lecturers, in friendly but motivating environment for affordable and competitive prices. Primarily, we guarantee a limited number of students in a group - 10 students - because we believe the key to manage a language lays in an individual approach and efficient utilization of given time and space of the course to the maximal possible effect.

Michal Jonák
Founder of Speak the Queen's


Kintari foundation

Kintari was founded in 2006, as the only Czech-Indonesian group in the Czech Republic, in order to present Indonesian art within its composed programmes and to raise financial resources to carry out projects on the island of Lombok, Indonesia. The charitable e-shop Kintari offers unique hand-crafted products from Indonesia. The gain from the sales of the products supports education efforts of poor children from the island of Lombok in Indonesia.

Kintari foundation refurbished a primary school in a village of Ngolang on the island of Lombok, Indonesia during years 2009-2010, which Kintari foundation also equipped with school furniture, textbooks and where it - all year round - secures courses of English taught by Czech volunteers too. Kintari foundation also dug a well in this school and then it built washrooms. By introducing hygienic habits at school we managed to stop the epidemic of childhood skin diseases. In 2011 Kintari foundation also built its own nursery in Kuta Lombok, which it operates and where it provides English courses by local teachers. Since 2013 Kintari also supports an elementary school in the village of Sukadana, which is attended by children for whom education at a state school would otherwise be unavailable. In addition to school supplies, toys and clothing Kintari gives kids extra opportunity to educate themselves during various activities within the school-organised courses, such as dancing, ball games, drawing and others. Volunteers who visit Lombok in development projects organized by Kintari provide English language courses even for adults from poor backgrounds. Kintari thus gives local residents especially the children a chance for a better education and a more prosperous future.


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