Special courses

If your needs are specific to the extend that you do not fall into any other previous group of learners, do not worry. Our experienced lecturers do also prepare student in a wide range of courses focusing on Maturita examination, ESOL (FCE, CAE) certificates or IELTS certificates. Moreover, in you special courses we also prepare pilots beginners or professionals from the areas of industry and accounting.

These courses focus on particular student groups with special language needs who look for individual and flexible approach. The special needs can touch one of these areas:

  • Maturita exam
  • language certificate ESOL (FCE, CAE)
  • language certificate IELTS or TOEFL
  • business English certificates (BCE or similar)
  • Basic aviation English exams by ICAO
  • university English language entrance exams
  • or a language exam within university studies (subject based exam)
  • preparation for VFR/IR/ICAO exams for pilot radio communication

The list of possible special needs is obviously not complete and if your needs do not fall into any of these mentioned groups, we will most likely find some solution suitable for both parties.

Please, do not hesitate to contact us on our email address michal.jonak@email.cz or on mobile phone 731 332 540 in order to plan your lesson. We will look forward to your email or call.

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